How to Plan a Long Distance Move from New York City to Florida
Moving can be a stressful, hectic time for any person or family, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. A lot of people are intimidated by the thought of moving to a different state, especially when that new state happens to be a thousand miles away. You’re in luck, though. Driving from New York to Florida will give you the chance to travel through some of the most scenic and historic areas that our nation has to offer. Plan a relaxing route and give yourself plenty of driving and resting time, and you’ll be well on your way to turning a stressful move in time to make some wonderful new memories – almost like a vacation. Here are a few more tips to help prepare for moving to Florida from NYC:Keep the Climate in Mind
While everyone knows that Florida is the Sunshine State, New Yorkers are also used to dealing with the heat and humidity of the summer months. So even though you’ll probably need to extend your summer wardrobe of shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops, you’re going to need to take into account the difference in the winter months. Winter storms in New York can be severe, with accumulations of snow and ice, and gray, slushy weather that can last for weeks at a time. In Florida, particularly on the coast, snow and ice won’t be a factor, but it can still get a little chilly at night. You’ll want to trade in those heavy winter coats and thermals for something with a thinner lining, like a windbreaker.
Adjust Your Outdoor Expectations
Depending on what part of New York you’re moving from, you’ll either be used to the noise, pavement and manicured greenery of Manhattan or the more rugged, mountainous scenery upstate. Florida will likely feel as though you’ve landed in a different country at first, exchanging mountains or cityscapes for dunes and palm trees. If you’re bringing any outdoor furniture, make sure it’s made to withstand the realities of Florida living – gritty sand, salty air and a lot of direct sunlight.Pack and Travel with Distance in Mind
No matter how direct or leisurely your route to Florida might be, there is no escaping the fact that you’ll be moving your household and belongings over a thousand miles and varying terrain. For this reason, you should be prepared with sturdy boxes that are labeled and packed in a secure, logical way. You should also plan to hire movers for the trip, unless navigating a huge moving truck over hundreds of miles sounds like your idea of a good time. Several NYC moving companies, like Imperial Moving & Storage (, run routine loads between New York and Florida for a low, flat rate. You’ll likely need to stop at least once overnight for rest, so be sure not to pack away anything you’ll need access to. A separate overnight bag with the essentials can come in handy if you’ll be spending one or more nights in a hotel along the way.
How to Pack Your Kitchen for Moving Out of State
Moving out of state is already stressful. However, you can make it almost fluid by having a very clear idea of how objects and space will be used when transitioning to and unpacking in the new kitchen and the new place.First Rule: Always Label Boxes
According to professional movers and packers, this is the first rule of packing, above all else. Every single box you use should be labeled with the Room and Contents so that you can be as functional as possible as soon as you arrive in your new place. The rest of packing your kitchen is basic physics. Yes, we said basic physics.
Roll All Utensils and Silverware into One Plastic Roll
Don't worry about sorting or separating or being organized at all with this. None of that is necessary, nor is it useful. Just get one big plastic sheet (plastic wrap used for moving) and spread it out on a huge countertop, table or the floor, wherever you have the most room. Then, unhook all of the utensils which are hanging up, empty out all of the drawers, take all of the knives from the knife block, and take all of the utensils from the buckets and pitchers which are holding oven-friendly spatulas. Line everything up loosely on the plastic wrap in one long row (with no spaces in between, we're not neat here). Now, take one side of the plastic wrap, and start rolling it in toward the other side. Everything will be picked up and rolled in with it. Have packing tape ready to use. When the roll is all rolled up, fold down the ends, tape them in place, and you're done.Stack Cookie Sheets Together with No Filler
You will be doing something similar with all of your cookie sheets. Simply stack all of them up, will no newspapers or anything in between them, and roll some plastic around them to keep them from getting wet and rusty. Tape the packing wrap, and you're done.Stack Plastic Bowls Together, Plastic Wrap Around
Plastic is very durable and lightweight. Plastic bowls don't fall and break, and they move very well. These Las Vegas, NV movers say to stack all of your plastic bowls together, from largest to smallest, in one giant tower. Wrap some plastic wrap around, length-wise, until the tower is secured. Then, wrap some around the tower, too, to keep dirt out. Tape and secure. You're done with that, too.Packing the Heavy Baking Dishes
Metal pots can be easily stacked, wrapped and taped. Their lids form another stack, wrap, and tape. It is the heavy baking dishes which must be carefully and protectively wrapped. Baking dishes should not be packed in stacks. Fill each baking dish with newspaper or packing paper, wrap newspaper around the baking dish several times, then wrap in plastic wrap. Tape and secure. You will have to do this individually with each precious baking dish. This is the thing which will take the most time, but even this will take less than 3 hours to do. When all of your baking dishes are filled with newspaper, wrapped in several layers of newspaper, and then plastic wrapped and taped, you are ready to pack them in your boxes.
Professional Mover Tips for Safely Moving Heavy Furniture
No matter if you’re simply trying to rearrange your furniture or move them to a new location, moving heavy furniture is a job that requires professional skill. Below, we will be going over professional mover tips to help you move heavy furniture safer around your home. Remember, when moving heavy items, think ahead to avoid throwing out your back.1. Plan Ahead of Time
Before moving anything, it’s crucial that you have a game plan of what’s being moved and where to. You can easily sketch out your floor plan and write down measurements to create your plan and design a new layout. This plan can also help movers if you hire some to help you move furniture.2. Protect Your Furniture
It’s important to protect your furniture as you’re moving to prevent any damage from occurring. Moving blankets are highly suggested, you can rent them, but you’re usually better off making your own out of old blankets and wraps. But, for more fragile furniture, you should buy protective wrap from storage moving centers.3. Pair Up with Another Person
Moving tall, heavy items isn’t a one-man job. You should always have another person helping you to avoid injury to yourself. Also, when you’re moving tall, heavy objects, be sure to center the weight to avoid it swinging and causing damage. Also, be sure to carry it at an angle to match the slope you’re walking on to avoid damage to the object.4. Use the Hook Method When Turning Corners
Large, heavy items are hard enough to move as it is. However, when you need to turn a corner, things only get more challenging. If you try to hold a tall, heavy object straight around the corner, you might get stuck. Instead, you need to try and hook the object as you turn the corner to avoid damage to your home and the object you’re carrying.5. Use Lifting Straps
When lifting heavy objects, you may need to use lifting straps to help handle the weight. Fortunately, lifting straps can be adjusted for the different shaped objects. You should checkout Forearm Forklift Lifting and Moving Straps, which are highly recommended among professional movers, like Great Guys (site here).